Welcome to the Culturelink Fieldwork Project.
Culturelink Fieldwork Project was formed to aid cultural interchange through volunteer archaeological projects. This site provides details about our current projects. Click on the links above to find out about our history, projects, and contact information.
Nicaragua is one of the great rock art areas of the world, but is little known. Two of our projects give you a window on some of the riches of Nicaragua’s cultural heritage.
The Ometepe Archaeological Project in Nicaragua is located on the beautiful island of Ometepe, in Lake Cocibolca (Lake Nicaragua). During eight field seasons, the project has recorded 110 archaeological sites and approximately 2000 petroglyphs or other modified boulders. The project director is Suzanne Baker. The assistant director is Michael Smith.
Cueva la Conga Project, Nicaragua. Cueva la Conga, located in northern Nicaragua, is the first limestone cave reported in Nicaragua. Recorded in 2006, it contains pictographs and carved speleothems. Project director is Suzanne Baker. See our Cueva la Conga page for more information.
Please take a tour of our projects, see representative rock art and read about the techniques we use to record sites.